Sample Alert

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October 6, 2018 Alert

Risk Management Indicators

Both Risk Management indicators work in conjunction with each other.

Both indicators must be positive in order for AIA to suggest allocation to maximum equity/stock market exposer as described in the "AIA Process."

If either indicator turns negative, an Alert will be issued to all subscribers to reallocate to minimum stock market exposure as described in the "AIA Process".

See the Adaptive Investment Allocation (AIA) video in our video library.

The ALERT will be emailed the night of or the morning after the ALERT is issued.

Adaptive Investment Allocation: ALERT Example

Reallocation Alert

Yesterday, October 5, 2018, the T2R 2.0 Risk Management Indicator went Negative. This indicates a period of near-term market distress. Therefore, an account reallocation away from stock/equity positions is warranted. All subscribers are recommended to reduce all current AIA stock positions and move into cash, money market accounts, short-term bonds, or other fixed account positions.

Remember, for AIA to suggest a total equity (stock) allocation, both risk indicators must be Positive.

See the reallocation detail below.

It is suggested you perform these transactions today.

This reallocation away from stock positions will remain in effect until a future Alert or monthly Newsletter reestablishes new stock market positions.

Note: This Alert concerns only the portion of your portfolio allocated to AIA, which is typically a percentage of the total. This is defined by your individual risk tolerance. The portion of your portfolio not allocated to AIA positions should already be invested in more secure investment areas such as bonds, cash, or fixed accounts. See the Adaptive Investment Allocation (AIA) video in our video library.


ALERT: Suggested Allocations Details

401k: Chevron

  •  Cash. Money Market Accounts or Short Term Bonds


Schwab: Commission-Free ETF Platform

  • Cash. Money Market Accounts or Short Term Bonds

Please visit your investment account to make the allocation updates at your earliest convenience.


Thank you,

Andy Barkate MS

Publisher Think2Retire


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