Note from the Editor

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Note From the Editor


With 40 years of experience in the Financial Services industry, I have worked in various roles such as stockbroker, investment advisor, insurance agent, and financial planner. Throughout my career, I have witnessed significant changes in the investment business.

In today's landscape, many investment firms and advisors focus solely on investments and overlook other crucial aspects of an investor's financial life. Important aspects such as risk and volatility control, income requirements, and tax considerations are often neglected. This leaves the retiree or soon-to-be retiree vulnerable and lacking the vital attention their investment accounts deserve.

It is this realization that inspired the creation of Think 2 Retire.

Over time, the investment business has transitioned from commission-based to fee-based models. While this change was a step in the right direction, there is still room for improvement, in my opinion. Many investment firms and advisors charge a percentage management fee and utilize passive asset allocation models, which means once your risk level is determined, you're placed in a set allocation of stocks and bonds. This allocation remains largely unchanged regardless of market conditions, exposing you to excessive volatility.

During significant market events like the Mortgage Crisis of 2007-08 and the COVID Crash of 2020, did your advisor make adjustments to protect your investments? Unfortunately, most investment firms don't actively manage your money during periods of market distress.  You're investment and retirement accounts are left to the whim of a volatile market. You end up paying significant fees for asset management you're not receiving.

Out with the old and in with the new

At Think 2 Retire, we offer a different approach. Our Adaptive Investment Allocation (AIA) featured within the newsletter empowers individual investors to manage their investments actively. By taking control of your investments, you'll be better informed, eliminate management fees, reduce portfolio risk, and improve long-term results.

Additionally, we provide ongoing communication and commentary on important financial topics such as tax updates, economic commentary, one-on-one coaching calls, and live monthly webinars. We invite you to explore our website, schedule a live Demo or Call with our staff, and discover how the Think 2 Retire Newsletter can benefit you.

Andy Barkate MS


Andy Barkate