Buffered ETF Model

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Buffered ETF Model

The goal is to provide a more predictable risk-adjusted rate of return. The structure of a buffered ETF is to provide a more predictable floor and ceiling on the portfolio's annual rate of return.

This portfolio is designed for the investor who desires a high degree of risk/volatility control and a more consistent long-term rate of return.

The primary goal of the Buffered ETF is to reduce losses during declining market periods. All ETFs provide a downside buffer between 6 to 20%. These buffers will guard against downside risk up to the buffer limits. All ETFs in the portfolio will contain either an annual or quarterly reset.

Example Portfolio

EALT 6.7% 15% 50%
ZALT 3.35% 10% 30%
BALT 2.75% 20% 20%

Each of these ETF positions will automatically reset quarterly. The Buffer tends to stay constant, and the cap can increase or decrease.

Buffered ETF Model
Buffered ETF Model nest egg

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