Adaptive Investment Allocations

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what is adaptive investment allocation?

“The essence of investment management is the management of risk, not the management of return.”

-Benjamin Graham: The Dean of Wall Street

If you believe handling your investment and retirement accounts yourself is to differcult and complex, and you need a Fee-Based Advisor. Think again! Consider Adaptive Investment Allocations (AIA).  AIA offers risk-based asset allocation recommendations based on the current market and economic conditions.

Its primary goal is to minimize stock market risk and volatility while maintaining long-term growth. Research shows that individual investors often underperform due to emotional decision-making rather than factual analysis. Think 2 Retire believes that a lack of consistent methodology and discipline is the root cause of underperformance. AIA provides the rules-based methodology that individual investors need for success.

Take control of your investments with the AIA investment allocation suggestions. By applying these recommendations, subscribers can stay informed and improve their financial results while potentially saving thousands of dollars in management fees annually.

It only takes about 10 minutes per month to implement these changes, freeing you from the need for a fee-based financial advisor.

AIA stands apart from generic or passive asset allocation models commonly used by advisors, as it is not a set-and-forget strategy. Stay active and engaged with AIA for better financial outcomes.


Investment markets are always changing, driven by shifts in economic conditions.

Certain industries, sectors, or asset classes become more favorable while others lose their appeal. AIA aims to respond to these changes by adjusting investment allocations accordingly.

By actively interpreting and acting on market dynamics, AIA keeps subscribers constantly updated and allocated to the areas that are favored by the stock market.

AIA aims to keep you invested in strong sectors and asset classes while avoiding weaker areas to enhance long-term results.

Subscribers receive a list of current higher-performing sectors and asset classes along with corresponding investment names and symbols. You simply apply these suggestions to your investment or retirement accounts.

AIA will deliver the specific mutual funds best representing the asset classes and sectors performing best in the current market environment. AIA will only use the specific funds available to you within your specific 401(k) and mutual fund family.

If you're IRA or investment account is held at a brokerage firm, AIA will deliver to you the specific ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) that best correspond to the asset classes and sectors exhibiting the highest relative strength. ETFs will be used because of their low management fees and their ability to pinpoint sectors and asset classes exhibiting strength.

Think 2 Retire's newsletter delivers allocation updates on the first business day of each month. Stay informed and make strategic investment decisions with ease.


Think 2 Retire does not have access to your account, nor do we enter transactions on your behalf. By entering your own transactions, you’ll be more in touch with your money and save substantially on management fees.


Major Stock Market Sectors & Asset Classes Used by Adaptive Investment Allocation:

  • Technology
  • Industrials
  • Consumer Cyclicals
  • Consumer Non-Cyclicals
  • Energy
  • Financials
  • Healthcare
  • Telecom
  • Real Estate
  • Utilities
  • Large-Cap Growth & Value
  • Mid-Cap Growth & Value
  • Small-Cap Growth & Value
  • Cash


Occasionally, market volatility will warrant allocations to change between monthly newsletter issues. In these instances, you will be emailed an alert with updated sector allocations.

Weekly Market & Economic Recap

To keep current subscribers better informed, subscribers will receive a weekly stock market and economic recap of the past week, as well as a list of potential developments expected to affect the market over the upcoming week. This update will be emailed every Monday.

Monthly AIA Webinars

Current subscribers will also be invited to attend a monthly webinar to discuss current AIA positions and strategies. With the idea of having a more direct and open dialogue with subscribers, the Think 2 Retire staff and management will hold live webinars on the second Wednesday of every month. These webinars will discuss a myriad of topics ranging from AIA methodology, current positions, and current economic conditions, amongst other things.

The goal is to provide subscribers with a better understanding of AIA and foster an open environment where subscribers are engaged.

Because Think 2 Retire and AIA do not provide individual investment advice to its subscribers, the weekly Market and Economic Recap, as well as the Monthly AIA Webinars, should not be construed as such.

The Best Offense is a good Defense

During periods of market distress, its better to reduce stock market exposure than ride out stock market turbulence.  Reducing portfolio losses during periods of market decline can help produce improved long-term results.

Said another way, if one can reduce investment losses in bad years, the gains in strong years can help provide healthier overall long-term growth.  Not to mention less fear and anxiety.

In an effort to reduce portfolio losses, AIA uses 2 separate risk management tools to assess market strength or weakness.

During periods of impending market weakness AIA will issue an Alert suggesting a shift away from stock market positions in favor of bond investments.

For details, see the Risk Management Indicators page and watch the video from the Video Library.

It is important to understand that AIA considers both “Cash, Bonds, Money Market Accounts and other Fixed Accounts” as potential allocation choices. Therefore, in times of market distress, AIA will suggest reducing exposure to stock/equity holdings in favor of cash and/or fixed alternatives. The goal here is to reduce portfolio volatility and preserve account value. This is explained further below in “The Process” as well as in the Think 2 Retire video library.

Think 2 Retire is not acting as your financial or investment advisor and will not provide individual investment advice.  We are simply helping the subscriber help themselves.  Again, this can potentially save thousands over the cost of hiring and paying an investment professional to provide a similar service. Again, one of our primary objectives is to reduce risk and volatility without sacrificing long-term growth.

Additionally, AIA strives to help subscribers avoid market disasters.  By delivering asset allocation information based on current market and economic conditions, not opinions for speculation, our aim is to help the subscriber avoid and survive the potentially disastrous effects of Bear Markets, market corrections, and crashes.

ask yourself these questions

Q: What methodology or system did I use to allocate or diversify your retirement plans or investment accounts?

Q: As the market conditions change, what system or discipline do you use to make changes to your accounts to protect them against volatility?


If you struggle to answer these questions, Think 2 Retire and AIA can be your solution.

AIA’s goal is to reduce risk and volatility without sacrificing long-term returns.

Research consistently shows that individual investors drastically underperform the stock market averages. The research also suggests the rationale for this underperformance is individual investor decisions were based less on facts and more on emotion.

Think 2 Retire believes most individual investors fail or underperform not because of intelligence or desire, but because of the lack of a consistent, rules-based methodology or discipline which guides them. AIA provides this rules-based methodology to the individual investor.

Think 2 Retire is a subscription based on-line newsletter with the goal of keeping investor/retiree consistently informed on all financial issues that will affect them, including their investment and retirement accounts. This is done through AIA.

AIA accomplishes these by providing on-going asset allocation suggestions which are continually adapting to current market conditions.

The asset allocation suggestions provided by AIA are designed to be used in conjunction with most investment firm’s platforms.  Most major investment firms provide commission free online trading accounts. It is recommended that you choose an investment firm which has an easy-to-use online platform as well as commission free trading available. Many of these firms will have online tutorials as well as phone support to help with any questions or issues that may arise when entering trades.

If you’ve never entered your own trades, the first couple of times may seem a bit foreign but after you’re done it a few times will become second nature.

As mentioned earlier, Think 2 Retire does not have access to your accounts, nor does it affect any trades. AIA simply analyze the current market conditions, determine the asset classes and sectors within the market that are best poised for continued growth.  This knowledge is then applied to exchange-traded funds (ETF) or mutual funds which you have available to you at the investment firm of your choosing.

The current asset allocation suggestions are delivered to you on the first business day of each month in the Think 2 Retire newsletter.

The Think 2 Retire newsletter is private and only available to its members through monthly or annual subscription. All subscriber must go through a live demo prior to membership activation. Subscriptions may not forward, share or redistribute monthly newsletters and/or Alerts to non-subscribers. Think 2 Retire is intended to aid individual non-professional investors. Therefore, No Financial Advisors please.


Occasionally, market volatility will warrant investment allocations to change between monthly newsletter issues. In these instances, you will be emailed an alert with updated investment allocations.

60 Day Free Trial Subscription

Take Think 2 Retire on a free test drive.

You will see the value of having an Adaptive Investment Allocation (AIA) methodology.

After 60 days if you are not convinced of Think 2 Retire ’s value, you may simply “unsubscribe”.  No hard feelings. During your trial subscription you’ll be treated as an active subscriber.

After completing a live Demo you’ll be entitled to:

  • Current and past Think 2 Retire newsletter issues
  • Current asset allocation suggestions
  • Market updates and commentary
  • Video library designed to help you understand and implement Think 2 Retire and AIA
  • Ongoing live webinars
  • All archived webinars