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About Think 2 Retire

Think 2 Retire is a monthly subscription-based newsletter dedicated to helping retirees and soon-to-be retirees navigate the ever-changing investment and stock market landscape. We provide ongoing information and updates to help our subscribers stay properly invested in an ever-changing world.

Think 2 Retire is designed to work with your company's 401(k), as well as your IRA, most mutual fund families, and ETF platforms held at brokerage accounts.

Our goal is to make financial management simple and efficient, requiring only 10-15 minutes per month to apply our strategies to your accounts. We offer continuous support and communication to our subscribers through weekly market updates, monthly webinars, one-on-one demos, and coaching calls with our knowledgeable staff. We also provide helpful resources such as "How-To" videos and live assistance for online trading and understanding our methodology.

If you're ready to take control of your financial life, reduce risk, improve long-term results, and save money, we invite you to join us. Request a demo and try our 60-day free trial subscription to experience the benefits firsthand.

Financial Market Updates

Financial Market Updates

Financial markets are influenced by various factors such as politics, economics, central bank policy, interest rates, company earnings etc. In our monthly newsletter, Think 2 Retire provides a weekly summary of recent news events and market developments. We also discuss anticipated financial developments that are expected to impact market activity in the coming weeks and months. Stay informed with our newsletter for a comprehensive understanding of the market landscape.

Adaptive Investment Allocation Models

Adaptive Investment Allocation Models

The Adaptive Investment Allocation (AIA) updates are provided monthly to subscribers and specifically designed for you company's 401k, 403b, 457, TSP or EFT trading platforms. It will provide ongoing risk-based asset allocation recommendations centered upon current market and economic environment. By applying the AIA investment allocation suggestions subscribers will stay more in-tune with their money, improve their results, reduce volatility and save hunderds if not thousands of dollars every year in investment management fees. By devoting approximately 10 minutes per month to apply these allocation changes you’ll be alleviated from paying a fee-based financial advisor. Learn More About AIA

Estate Planning Tips & Tacos

Dividend Income Model

Many investors and retirees prefer their investment and retirement accounts to provide steady streams of income. In the current rate environment traditional income investments such as bonds, CDs and money market accounts can offer subpar returns. Dividend income model (DIM) was designed with this investor in mind. Its goal is to provide subscribers with a portfolio of common stocks paying consistently generous dividends. Learn More About DIM

60 Day Free Trial Subscription

Take Think 2 Retire on a free test drive.

You will see the value of having an Adaptive Investment Allocation (AIA) methodology.

After 60 days if you are not convinced of Think 2 Retire ’s value, you may simply “unsubscribe”.  No hard feelings. During your trial subscription you’ll be treated as an active subscriber.

After completing a live Demo you’ll be entitled to:

  • Current Think 2 Retire newsletter issues
  • Current asset allocation suggestions
  • Market updates and commentary
  • Video library designed to help you understand and implement Think 2 Retire and AIA
  • Ongoing live webinars